Akberdyeva Balkenje Kondybaevna
Associate Professor


Highest: 1990. Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov.

Speciality: Teacher of Kazakh language and literature


Academic degree, academic title

  • Candidate of philology. No. 0007830
  • Associate Professor of linguistics. DTS No. 0002171

Advanced training

  • «Method for teaching formal letters based on the Latin alphabet», Astana, 12-14. 03.2019. Certificate No. G00013.
  • «Руководитель проекта» в рамках национального стандарта СТ «Project Manager» in the framework of the national standard ST RK ISJ 21500-2014 «Guidance on project management», Astana, 25-01. 03.2019 G. Certificate No. 00150. Certificate No. 0736. 16.01.2018.
  • Project management in the framework of the national standard ST RK ISJ 21500-2014 «Guidance on project management», Astana, 25-01. 03.2019. Certificate No. Е003.
  • For participation in the training «types of conflicts and solutions» within the project USAID, Civil Alliance, ICFCA «development of dialogue and interaction in Mangystau region» November 29-30 2013.
  • Accreditation certificate of MES RK, Astana, on March, 17th, 2014, the Series MK No. 003957.
  • The Council program Ersamus+ in Kazakhstan and in Yessenov University for participation in the seminar «Adaptation of the main parameters of the Bologna process in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan» on November 6-7, 2014 г.
  • «Formation, updating and improvement of educational programs YESSENOV UNIVERSITY at the levels of bachelor, master and doctoral studies» 04.06-16.06.2018. 54 hours.  Certificate No. №000137.
  • YESSENOV UNIVERSITY for active participation in on — line seminars «national code-the source of spirituality». 03.05.2018.
  • Business incubator MOST. For passing the basic course on the basics of entrepreneurship, including the basics and practice of the following topics: design thinking, lean startup, consumer research, business model, presentation of the startup to the investor. 36 hours. 05.04.2018.
  • Independent Kazakhstan Agency for quality assurance of education for participation in the seminar » Preparation of the report on self-assessment of the University in the framework of specialized accreditation». Certificate No. 0736 dated 16.01.2018.
  • Too «Bilim Media Group» course for trainers «Resources BilimLand – the main tool of ICTs in education», Certificate No. 87004130. 2018.
  • Educational program of courses of improvement of qualification of teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities of JSC «CRK» Orleu» «modern educational technology» MES (240 hours) Certificate No. 0205861 from 27.05.2017.


  • Communication tactics and strategies in M. Auyezov’s drama. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 3, ХХ MARCH 2017. 0,4 б.т.
  • Mythological model of the world in the language units of the Kazakh language. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference «Philology, art history and cultural studies: actual problems». Novosibirsk, 2016. 0,4 b.t.
  • The psycholinguistic approach to the structuring of the lexicon. Modern trends in science and technology. Periodical scientific collection. No. 1-5, 2016. G. on the materials of the X International scientific-practical conference. Belgorod, January 31, 2016.
  • Myths of the «human soul» in mythological studies of Serikbol Kondybay». Linguistics. Almaty, № 1 (53) 2014. 0,3 p. L.
  • Language associations of the «universe» model in the Kazakh language. Bulletin of ENU. L.N. Gumilyova, Humanities series, Astana, 2013. 0,4 p. L.

Practice in research work

  • As part of the modernization of public consciousness research project «Myth-cognitive layers of Mangystau culture», 2018-2020
    Purpose: revival of national values, promotion of creativity of the great son of the region Serikbol Kondybay.
    Result: Collective monograph
    12 printed sheets, cover: 500 pieces.
    CMTI them.V. Esenova.
    Project Manager:Ph.D.,associate Professor Koblanov G.T.

State awards

  • Letter of thanks of Mangistau branch of the Academy of public administration under the President of Kazakhstan, 2019
  • Letter of gratitude of the mayor of Aktau, 2015
  • Medal «50 years of Aktau city», 2015
  • Letter of gratitude of NDP «Nur Otan», 2013
  • Diploma of the Department of education of Mangystau region, 2013

Experience in other organizations

  • 2018  — Associate Professor of the Cabinet of implementation and promotion of educational programs of the branch of the state enterprise «Academy of public administration under the President of Kazakhstan» in Mangystau region.
  • 09.2014-21.09.2018 associate Professor of the Department «Kazakh language and literature»;
  • 01.09.2013-01.09.2014 Professor of the Department of «Language disciplines» of the Caspian state University of technology and engineering named after Sh.Yessenov;
  • 01.08.2007-31.06.2013 Professor of the Department «General studies» Mangystau — Institute «Bolashak»;
  • 02.09.2002-30.06.2007. associate Professor of «Social and humanitarian disciplines» Department of Aktau branch of KSU named after E. Buketov;
  • 20.09.2001-30.07.2002. Teacher of the Department «Methods of teaching modern Kazakh language» of Almaty state University named after Abay;
  • 21.09.1998-19.09.2001.full-time graduate student of the Institute of linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, specialty 10.02.02-Kazakh language;
  • 08.1990-01.09.1998. Young specialist, teacher, senior lecturer of the Department of languages of Dzhambul hydro-reclamation and construction Institute;
  • 1985-1990. student of the philological faculty of the Kazakh state University named afterM. Kirov.