

Today the Representative Office of the F. Ebert S. Foundation in Nur-Sultan with the support of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a presentation on the topic “Youth in Kazakhstan: Assessing their Values, Expectations, and Aspirations.”

The researchers presented the results of the research on the relative topic, as well as analytical reports of young Kazakhstan’s scientists based on the research: «Youth and the labor market», «Youth and education», «Youth and social justice», «Youth and religion».

The study is based on the German methodology «Shell Youth Study» conducted in Germany since 1953, where academic institutions and institutes conduct research documenting the attitudes, opinions and expectations of young people in Germany.

The German methodology has been adapted to Kazakhstan’s conditions as follows. The study is based on a representative sociological survey among young people aged 14 to 29 in Kazakhstan, which was conducted by the «BISAM Central Asia» Research Center in 2020.

The research focuses on the lifestyle of young people, their views on the diversity of life, value orientations, the level of self-identification and tolerance, their moods and aspirations, as well as discussions about international politics and cooperation with neighboring countries.

The main participants of the presentation were Representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Information and Social Development, youth organizations, the academic community, and scientists.

Actually, the views on various spheres of life of young people as the future of the country are very important. In this case, Kazakh scientists, based on the German research methodology, conducted a survey among the population aged 14 to 29 years. The F. Ebert S. Foundation offices in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan provided financial support and made a significant contribution to the field of research.

Yerlan ABILRector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan: «The study was initiated by the F. Ebert Foundation. It began even before the pandemic, but due to quarantine measures, the work was extended. The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan has previously participated in such studies. When representatives offered to join the study, we agreed with pleasure. It is very important for us to know how youth policy is formed today. According to statistics, people from 14 to 25 years old make up 22% of the total population of the country. It is very important for us to understand their preferences in terms of age, education, culture, what values young people now live, how they relate to certain manifestations in society, how tolerant they are, how much they trust the authorities. We will analyze each result obtained in one focus group or another. The results obtained make it possible to discuss, find answers to exciting questions. We believe that our partnership with the Ebert Foundation has been successful. We are ready to continue our cooperation. We see their interest in the potential of the Academy of Public Administration».

Christoph P. MOHR, Regional Director of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: «We conducted this research for the second time among Kazakhstan’s youth. If we compare the two countries, there are significant differences between the values and attitudes of young people. It is also very important to pay attention to which regions were covered in the study. For example, a study in Kazakhstan covered young people living in both urban and rural areas. As we know, there are differences in views and values between rural and urban dwellers. Germany is a large country with a population of over 18 million. The study involved only young people living in cities such as Berlin and Frankfurt. Therefore, views on values are diverse. I would like to point out that young people from both countries took an active part in the study».

Rakhim OSHAKBAYEV, Director of the Center for Applied Research «TALAP»: «Technological, value shifts that have taken place over the past 30 years in our country, they undoubtedly affected Kazakhstan’s youth, adolescents and children. Therefore, to understand how young people breathe, what their values are, how it differs from other generations, these questions need to be constantly answered, understood, investigated in order to pursue a more effective policy to use their potential for the development of our country. It’s useful to note that the cultural phenomenon of Kazakhstan’s youth are now showing without any support. Young people like Imanbek, Dimash Kudaibergen are in demand abroad. This means that our youth are competitive. This event has shown its importance. Of course, there are hypotheses to which the study does not provide an answer, but provides a basis for further research».

Dina SHARIPOVA, Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University, PhD in Political Sciences: «The F. Ebert Foundation invited us to this study. The study took place in 2020. Part of my research covered the issues of education, employment, migration, as well as the attitude of young people to political processes in the country. We had different results, and for example, we can say that young people are actively striving to get a quality education, many of young people unfortunately want to leave the country to get a good education. Fewest amount of young people in our country participate in political processes; this is one of the features of our young people. In addition, young people in Kazakhstan believe that the state must provide and support young people, must pay attention to interest in how young people live, and help solve the problems of youth unemployment».

The publication of the research has been prepared in English, Kazakh and Russian.